External users need to request access to Veeva Vault PromoMats - and they will get the read-only access.

The read-only access provides access to see and download content and brand identity guidelines in the Veeva library and via the Veeva brand portals and portal libraries. 
The access does not require any prior training, but if needed,  here you can find PromoMats step by step guidelines.

If you need permissions to upload and manage files in Veeva Vault PromoMats, the read-only access will not be sufficient. Instead you will need full access.

To request full access, your Novo Nordisk contact must share your name, company name, country, and email address via promomats-sysmgt@novonordisk.com.

Upon request for access, you also accept storage of the provided personal data.

All full access applicants must complete system training before getting access.

  • Go to the PromoMats read-only access request form here
  • Fill in the info and include the initials of your Novo Nordisk approver. It is possible to add up to 2 employees. Please make sure you get the initials right. If not, the employee will not receive the email and will not be able to approve the request (Initials are the letters in front of @novonordisk.com of the employees personal email address).
  • When you submit the access request, the Novo Nordisk employee(s) will receive a request e-mail. From here they can approve or deny the request and you will receive an automatic update via email. If the request is rejected, you need to reach out to the relevant employee to understand why.
  • Once approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from Novo Nordisk and a system email from Veeva Vault PromoMats containing your personal login details. 
  • You now have access to Veeva Vault PromoMats.

  • 2 weeks before your access expires, you will recieve an e-mail reminder and a link to the form
  • But you can renew your read-only access at any time, by simply filling out the form again. 
  • When approved, you get access for another 3 months, from the date of the approval.
  • If your Novo Nordisk contact rejects your renewal request, you still get to keep your current access, it is just not extended.

  • Log into PromoMats
  • Select 'User Profile' at the upper-right side of the window
  • Click 'Change Password'
  • Enter the current password, the new password, and confirm it
  • Then select 'Confirm'.

Every active user can access PromoMats using the link: https://login.veevavault.com/

Under the tab 'Portal' you will find all our Veeva brand portals. The brand portals are the best place to find information about our individual brands and related content and files. There can however be older content which is not available in the portals. Instead, go to the tab 'Library’, where you are able to search and filter on all content available in PromoMats. 

Searching for assets works via the free text search and the filtering options in the leftpane of the Veeva libary.

Use the filter menus to refine your search result or to go directly to a category of assets. Select one or multiple values on the lists in the drop-down menus.

(The filtering options only show the assets tagged with correct values in the various categories).

PromoMats interface:

  • Search field: This is where you do your free text search. It is possible to use search operator (for example AND, OR, AND NOT, "", *) like on Google on other search engines. 

  • Filtering: In the left pane, you can filter your search results into various categories to narrow down your search results.

  • Search results: This area displays your search results. It is possible to sort your results by name, file type or publish date.
  • Binders: Choose 'binders only' in the left pane to search/show binders. Binders are collections of assets, organised in folders.

  • Download cart: Your assets will end up in the Cart when you click “Add to cart”. This is also where you download your selected assets.

  • Quicklink: After choosing 'view details' on an asset, it is possible to copy the quick link to the asset to share in e-mails or on web pages.

  • Saved searches: Here you can save your search result. Think of it as a bookmark. 

The Cart - your shopping basket

The Cart is your shopping basket in PromoMats. the Cart is in the top right corner of the window. The number above the Cart icon shows the number of documents in your cart.

Add documents to the Cart

When you mouse over a document in PromoMats, you’ll see the Cart button to add or remove. Add to Cart is available both in the brand portals, in the Library, on all document tabs, and on the Document Info page. In PromoMats, document is the same as file or asset.

Manage and download documents in the Cart

Via the download button in the Cart, all documents are zipped and downloaded.

When you click a document in the Cart, it opens in the Multi-Document Viewer. This view allows you to scroll through and interact with the documents on your current cart page. You can see up to 25 documents per view. From here you can also remove unwanted documents from the Cart.

Empty all documents in the Cart by clicking the Empty Cart button

Download individual files

When you click a document in a portal or in the library, you get more options, including instant download of that document.

If you experience issues logging in or any other technical issues related to PromoMats, please send an email to promomats-sysmgt@novonordisk.com 

For questions about specific brands, campaings or product designs, please visit the relevant brand portal and contact the owner.

If you have questions about our corporate brand identity and materials, please visit the Corporate Design Manual