First name *

This field must be filled.

Last name *

This field must be filled

E-mail *

This field must be filled. Enter a correctly formatted e-mail address.

Company name *

This field must be filled.

Location *

Which local Novo Nordisk Affiliate are you working with. This field must be filled.

First Approver's initials *

Enter the initials of the Novo Nordisk employee who is supposed to approve this request. This field must be filled. Novo Nordisk initials are between two and four characters long. Novo Nordisk initials are between two and four characters long.

Second Approver's initials *

Enter the initials of the Novo Nordisk employee who is supposed to approve this request. {{crossValidationError['secondapprover'].crossValidationErrorMessage}} Novo Nordisk initials are between two and four characters long. Novo Nordisk initials are between two and four characters long.

Notice of personal data processing * *

You must accept the privacy disclaimer.
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